Getting started with sheep herding

First, before dogs are left off-leash around live-stock, they are assessed on-leash by the trainer. The trainer will lead the dog and show them how to move live-stock without chasing, barking or biting. Once the dog shows control and interest around the livestock, the dog can be let off-leash and the trainer can then guide and control their natural herding ability. 

Lessons at our facility

Dogs new to the sport of herding will only be able to handle brief moments of working livestock. By giving the dog two separate turns on livestock, with a break in-between, the dog can fully utilize its learning potential. After a few lessons, dogs will be able to work longer and complete more difficult tasks. 

The duration of our lessons can be anywhere from 1 hour to 1 hour and a half. It all depends how long the dog can work and how long their break is. For first timers, the lesson generally won’t last longer than 1 hour.

Age requirement

Dogs must be at least 10 months of age to start herding lessons. Most dogs are not mentally mature enough to handle the training and proximity to livestock until 10-12 months of age.

What to bring

  • A flat or martingale collar (no harnesses please!)

  • A 6' foot leash

  • Crate or pen (optional, but recommended)


dog herding Vancouver herding facility Vancouver sheep herding Vancouver dog training All Breed Herding Herding Clinics